Allah Raziq

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We will have to define the Merit once again

Increasing number of youngsters holding degrees of at least masters level in their hands and consequently, a meaningfully understandable unrest in society at almost all levels is the gift of incompetent rulers, lack of pragmatic policies, and trickle down effect of inefficiencies at highest rostrums of the government.
Increase in awareness is the dawn of frustration as the former leads to questions that have no answer and these unstated questions bring forth a highly dissatisfied young lot with disappointments on their foreheads and useless pieces of degree ''thing'' in empty hands.
Economic recession echoes every evening when degrees travel the whole day applying and being interviewed and rejected on any excuse. ''Decisions will be on Merit'', is the shout of every advert issued by the government and then merit is slaughtered on the feet of the goddess of 'No merit' and it happens with almost every job advert where educated fools are invited to apply and come to the capital to take test or interview and the decision, by the end of the day, goes to those who, sometimes, did not even apply. Definitions of merit are in those hands who are either uneducated or have bought their degrees.

But hold on, this unrest does not perturb you if you are a relative of a government official. Hype of economic recession turns into mother's lap when you are born as a son or daughter of a high official in the highest avenues. You do not need to bother the rates of every day edibles nor do you find it necessary to taste the temperature of the scorching sun of more than five months. Even a reference of a member of national or provincial assembly is enough for you for the rest of not only your life but your next generation will also deserve the right to claim the legacy. You can sit on the highest peaks of power with insufficient or even no qualifications. Being in power and influential is the only definition of merit in practice, that is the nutshell.

Who will break the ice of this status Que taking the toll in the form of suicides, domestic and social unrest, and brain drain? Substantial steps are needed to set or reset the writ of merit to fix the social, domestic and mental temperatures. Merit should mean merit to pacify the youngsters.

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posted @ 02:51,


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