Allah Raziq

Find the right Job for you

Job Placement Cells in Universities

Universities are striving for being the best in academics in the fast age where student of the present age is aware of the current waves and latest trends and technologies. The first question of a student is on the worth and validity of its degree and its scope in the job market. Here is where job placement cells speak out. They play the role of a bridge between students and the corporate sector. They aim at:
  •  Creating relationship with the corporate sector to get the places for students.
  •  Analyzing market needs and checking compatibility of theoretical syllabus with the practical side of work
  •  Career counseling of students to guide them for a proper direction in career
  • Networking job-related activities
  • Making profile of students and publish them
  • Keeping students updated on corporate issues and their analysis
  • Providing latest job opportunities
  • On campus interviews and company visits
  •  Contacting students, alumni and teachers through emails, and SMS and updating them with the latest vacancies in all domains
  • Managing internship in prestige organizations
  •  Conducting workshops regarding jobs

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posted @ 12:24, ,

Who will save the Future of Ayaz Ahmad?

Ayaz Ahmad, a young man of Jam Pur Dera, has stood second with 882 marks in the Arts domain of current Board exams. Intelligent and devoted Ayaz Ahmad is driving Rickshaw to feed his six brothers and sisters because his father is suffering from paralysis and is unable to move. Such a tender age and a mountain of responsibilities on the young shoulders, driving rickshaw from morning till night, bringing medicine for the disabled father, fetching grocery and other household for home and studying on the parallel track…..How hard life sometimes is!

Ayaz Ahmad can be the future CSP, army officer, a bank manager, an entrepreneur,  a government employee of high grades if………..the people having hearts come forward to support a life. One career can bring wonders in the family, area, and the nation. A bright mind, a talent is in dire need of help. Anyone having heart? Ears? Eyes? Where are donors? NGOs listening? A nation with 180 million plus! are you there?

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posted @ 07:23, ,

Appearing in an Interview

You get a call from a company saying that you have been shortlisted as one of the successful candidates and now you are requested to appear before interview panel. You feel excited and get ready to appear in the interview but some apprehensions rise from the corners of your heart: the company is multinational; their HR personnel will be of highest caliber, what sort of questions they will ask, what will be their response and finally what will happen in the end. These fears are common in all those who are looking for a job and are ready to go for an interview and it is quite natural.

But hold on. Things are not like that. Employers and HR personnel is there to hire you and nervousness of interview is quite genuine but the fact is that the only difference is the side of the table between you and your employer. Sitting on the other side of the table or the side you position yourself makes the difference. But they are like you and want to hire you. So no nervousness or shyness should be there. Feel confident knowing that there is only one table between you and the employer.  

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posted @ 02:46, ,

Job Placement is the only solution of Brain Drain

He is an MBBS and after qualifying as a doctor, he was given a government job in a hospital-cum-stable in a village where there were cows, buffaloes and other livestock was residing. He took a week to clean out the building called hospital. Studying medical from Lahore and passing Part 1 of FCPS, he was given the reward by the government. Thinking accelerated and he planned to leave that job after two months. Seeing medical vacancies abroad, he applied for the jobs and was finally selected as successful candidate. A shining and qualified brain was drained and the hospital in the village once again converted to stable inhabited with the livestock of the choudhary of village.
It is not merely an event that took place with an individual but the story of all who are wasting their potentials while doing nothing as government jobs are not proportional to the number of students passing out every year. Low salaries, job insecurities, inflation, law and order situations, and a lack of consistent policies of job placement are the main reasons that pave the way to a massive brain drain.

Young generation is crazy about going abroad and that is the effect of those relatives or friends who are abroad and earn in dollars or Euros. Their visit to Pakistan after a couple of years is a fantasy for their circles here. They hide the bitter realities of odd jobs to earn their bread abroad and the people sitting here take them living in heaven. Concealing of facts often leads to a craze of going abroad with highest degrees and the result is, in the current economic recession age, not what they had anticipated and planned of. 

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posted @ 06:58, ,

Is you CV up to mark to Get a Perfect Job?

Most of the job seekers in the market have the required and desired talents and skills but still they are unable to get a perfect job. The reason behind is their CV is not good enough to present what potential they actually have. Presentation of talents, capabilities, and skills is an art that is basic must in getting a desired job in the competitive market.  

Present your skills as they are needed

CEOs and hiring authorities are busy enough in their day to day affairs and they hardly find any time to go into detail. So the nutshell of what they need should be on the top i.e. your skills.

Elaborate what you have within

Include all activities and experiences briefly to let the employers know about your past work experience and potentials.

Update your CV

Keep your CV updated after every main achievement in your job period. Regularly update can lead to more opportunities.

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posted @ 04:52, ,

Standard Operating Procedure (SOPs) in Pakistan

Standard Operating Procedure is the set of written instruction that are given to the employees of an organization. Employees are provided with the routine and repetitive activities of an organization while sitting in their particular seat. SOPs are, in other words, operating fundamental and technical elements that define the track of an organization in a clear way and employees do not need to ask their job description or other responsibilities in the companies. They detail what the members of an organization are supposed to do at job. Without them a company or organization is a railway without railway track. Consistent conformance to quality system requirements and to support data quality, SOPs are taken as the spinal cord of an organization. Apart from keeping organizational functions and processes on the go, they increase efficacy, efficiency and productivity of the employees at work. Quality control and quality assurance are also the upshot of Standard Operating Procedures.

There are very few organizations in Pakistan where SOPs are functionally practiced. Shaukat Khanum Cancer Hospital is one of them. But the trend is going up and the day is not far when our companies will have SOPs for their compliance with the governmental regulations on one hand and smooth running and increased productivity on the other. Focused approach on job will lead to increased ROI due to the consistent performance of employees strengthened by SOPs.  


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posted @ 04:56, ,

If there is Only one Vacancy, You can be that One

I got a job

You will often have heard the people saying that I would not apply for this job because there is only one vacancy and the number of applicants against it is/will be manifold. They generally ignore the fact that the hiring authorities prefer the best-fit candidates out of the pool of dozens, hundreds, or even thousands and if your skills and capabilities put themselves into the frame of that best-fit, you can the one successful candidate. Do not underestimate your skills and talents. Polish your potentials and hope fot the best. Rest assured, if the vacancy is only one, you are also ONE.

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posted @ 13:58, ,