Allah Raziq

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Employee Satisfaction and Organizational Culture in Pakistan

One cannot deny that employees are the blood and soul of an organization without whom no one can imagine any function. Happy and satisfied employees are the message of success for the company while dissatisfied employees bring about decline in aggregate productivity of the company.  In our local culture, we come across these conditions in our companies:

Bossy attitude

One of the major problems in most of our organizations is attitude of the top level  management and employees find it hard to disagree with the top level. 'Yes boss' rehearsal can make the top managers happy but it kills the over all performance of the company.

No HR department

Most of our small and medium organizations do not keep HR department and HR functions like hiring the best-fit, performance analysis, compensations, and surveys on employee satisfaction. 

One man show

CEOs here are generally sole owners of companies that makes them all in all in their decisions. Helped by no board of directors, they make all decisions and it may lead to flattery which creates unrest and dissatisfaction.   

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posted @ 11:18,


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