Allah Raziq

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One out of ten is Jobless in Pakistan

According to a survey released by the Pakistan Bureau of Statistics, joblessness in Pakistan is on the go and the stats tell of an alarming increase in the unemployed number of educated and skilled people in Pakistan. Thus, everyone out of ten is having no job. October-December 2012 witnesses an increase of 6.5% from 6% that is 8.4% more as compared to the same period of 2011.In rural areas, it increased at the rate of 5% from 4.3%, an increase of 16.3%. While in urban areas, it rose to increase by 2% to 10.1%.

Report displayed another fact that the definition of employed includes all those above ten years who work at least one hour/week irrespective of the fact that had been paid for that work or not. Claims of the government of improving the economic conditions in rural areas have many question marks on them. Till when the vicious circle of bad economic policies will go on and how far is the dawn of the poor man of Pakistan? Any answers? 

posted @ 00:52,


At 9 July 2013 at 01:34, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is very decent, compared to hostile conditions of no energy, no security, no investment...... most of Europe has much higher than this Spain and greece at 27%....
US, UK approx 8% ,


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