Allah Raziq

Find the right Job for you

Career Counseling should be a must for Educational Institutes

''It was my dream to see my eldest son an engineer and younger as doctor and the youngest as pilot in Pakistan army. I burnt midnight oil to make them reach their destination. I sacrificed my preferences and likes in life. I was fond of dressing but I saved my money to meet the expenses on their education. They were my investment. But alas! My sons did not bring the fruit of my struggle''. The old man talked to himself ignoring me. ''Now I look myself as biggest fool'', he again addressed himself. ''The eldest son is teaching in an academy. Does it make any sense? The degree of engineer and school job, how funny! He ridiculed his son.

'I am interested in teaching children rather than indulging myself into chemicals', the son gave the reason. ''My father imposed his decision on me while I wanted to join teaching as profession. My heart was not in it. So I did not join any job. I love teaching as profession'', he had many reasons to cement his choice.  

This is the dilemma of our society where parents do not find it necessary to read the tilts of the child and impose their own selected domain for him/her as profession. Result is no or minimum productivity. Our educational institutes also lack career counseling of the students to guide them to where they can excel. Instead, they randomly pick the subjects and a huge number of students with dysfunctional degrees are created out of our institutes.    

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