Allah Raziq

Find the right Job for you

Jobs are waiting for you. Find your share

Being Muslims, we have a a firm belief that Allah is the Sustainer of every being He has created. How can He be careless of the human being, the most superior of all creatures? He has promised sustenance to all and He keeps His promises. He shows us the ways, guides us in the darkness of life and saves us from troubles. Opportunities are all around us in form of jobs, entrepreneur, and other forms. The only need is to find them with patience and courage. 

If poverty is on the go, if unemployment is on the increase, if merit does not exist anywhere, does it mean that Allah is unaware of all this? No, He is witness to all what is before and behind us. He is vigilant of all what is happening. When we believe that He is with us, why frustrations then? Why suicides or suicidal attempts just because of unemployment? Step forward and find out what your share He has written. Find a job that is waiting for you. Life is to live and stay grateful to Allah, the almighty. Stay hopeful, stay full of life.  

posted @ 16:17,


At 10 July 2013 at 21:39, Blogger S A J Shirazi said...

May Allah help us do our best and achieve.


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