Allah Raziq

Find the right Job for you

Job Market in Pakistan

Job market is going tougher and tougher with every passing year. A huge number of student passing out every year are not proportional to the number of vacancies announced by government and private sector. Though job market is tough all around the world but in Pakistan is even more tedious to cope with it. The reasons are many. Students graduating every year with little or no work experience find it especially difficult to land that first professional job. It is even harder for those experienced professionals who retire, are fired from one job or come back home after serving abroad but still need to find another one.

You will agree with the happenings in a sequence. Attain higher education from esteemed educational institutes, engage in deliberate self-assessment to understand the types of industries and jobs that would be the best-fit for your skills, write good resume research specific companies and organizations, use a three-pronged approach to identifying viable jobs in that field — reviewing job listings, networking and prospecting - but you still may not find a job. The openings may not be there or if they are, they may be filled up using non standard recruitment practices characterized by reference, safarashrishwat and or both. Lack of opening is not only typical of Pakistan but economic employment growth has always been a lagging indicator anywhere in the world. Even globalization and Internet are doing little in this case of employable and well conversant with English language workforce available in Pakistan. What to do?

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posted @ 12:38,


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