Allah Raziq

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Standard Operating Procedure (SOPs) in Pakistan

Standard Operating Procedure is the set of written instruction that are given to the employees of an organization. Employees are provided with the routine and repetitive activities of an organization while sitting in their particular seat. SOPs are, in other words, operating fundamental and technical elements that define the track of an organization in a clear way and employees do not need to ask their job description or other responsibilities in the companies. They detail what the members of an organization are supposed to do at job. Without them a company or organization is a railway without railway track. Consistent conformance to quality system requirements and to support data quality, SOPs are taken as the spinal cord of an organization. Apart from keeping organizational functions and processes on the go, they increase efficacy, efficiency and productivity of the employees at work. Quality control and quality assurance are also the upshot of Standard Operating Procedures.

There are very few organizations in Pakistan where SOPs are functionally practiced. Shaukat Khanum Cancer Hospital is one of them. But the trend is going up and the day is not far when our companies will have SOPs for their compliance with the governmental regulations on one hand and smooth running and increased productivity on the other. Focused approach on job will lead to increased ROI due to the consistent performance of employees strengthened by SOPs.  


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