Allah Raziq

Find the right Job for you

Is you CV up to mark to Get a Perfect Job?

Most of the job seekers in the market have the required and desired talents and skills but still they are unable to get a perfect job. The reason behind is their CV is not good enough to present what potential they actually have. Presentation of talents, capabilities, and skills is an art that is basic must in getting a desired job in the competitive market.  

Present your skills as they are needed

CEOs and hiring authorities are busy enough in their day to day affairs and they hardly find any time to go into detail. So the nutshell of what they need should be on the top i.e. your skills.

Elaborate what you have within

Include all activities and experiences briefly to let the employers know about your past work experience and potentials.

Update your CV

Keep your CV updated after every main achievement in your job period. Regularly update can lead to more opportunities.

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posted @ 04:52,


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