Allah Raziq

Find the right Job for you

Job Placement is the only solution of Brain Drain

He is an MBBS and after qualifying as a doctor, he was given a government job in a hospital-cum-stable in a village where there were cows, buffaloes and other livestock was residing. He took a week to clean out the building called hospital. Studying medical from Lahore and passing Part 1 of FCPS, he was given the reward by the government. Thinking accelerated and he planned to leave that job after two months. Seeing medical vacancies abroad, he applied for the jobs and was finally selected as successful candidate. A shining and qualified brain was drained and the hospital in the village once again converted to stable inhabited with the livestock of the choudhary of village.
It is not merely an event that took place with an individual but the story of all who are wasting their potentials while doing nothing as government jobs are not proportional to the number of students passing out every year. Low salaries, job insecurities, inflation, law and order situations, and a lack of consistent policies of job placement are the main reasons that pave the way to a massive brain drain.

Young generation is crazy about going abroad and that is the effect of those relatives or friends who are abroad and earn in dollars or Euros. Their visit to Pakistan after a couple of years is a fantasy for their circles here. They hide the bitter realities of odd jobs to earn their bread abroad and the people sitting here take them living in heaven. Concealing of facts often leads to a craze of going abroad with highest degrees and the result is, in the current economic recession age, not what they had anticipated and planned of. 

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posted @ 06:58,


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