Allah Raziq

Find the right Job for you

Appearing in an Interview

You get a call from a company saying that you have been shortlisted as one of the successful candidates and now you are requested to appear before interview panel. You feel excited and get ready to appear in the interview but some apprehensions rise from the corners of your heart: the company is multinational; their HR personnel will be of highest caliber, what sort of questions they will ask, what will be their response and finally what will happen in the end. These fears are common in all those who are looking for a job and are ready to go for an interview and it is quite natural.

But hold on. Things are not like that. Employers and HR personnel is there to hire you and nervousness of interview is quite genuine but the fact is that the only difference is the side of the table between you and your employer. Sitting on the other side of the table or the side you position yourself makes the difference. But they are like you and want to hire you. So no nervousness or shyness should be there. Feel confident knowing that there is only one table between you and the employer.  

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posted @ 02:46,


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