Allah Raziq

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Who will save the Future of Ayaz Ahmad?

Ayaz Ahmad, a young man of Jam Pur Dera, has stood second with 882 marks in the Arts domain of current Board exams. Intelligent and devoted Ayaz Ahmad is driving Rickshaw to feed his six brothers and sisters because his father is suffering from paralysis and is unable to move. Such a tender age and a mountain of responsibilities on the young shoulders, driving rickshaw from morning till night, bringing medicine for the disabled father, fetching grocery and other household for home and studying on the parallel track…..How hard life sometimes is!

Ayaz Ahmad can be the future CSP, army officer, a bank manager, an entrepreneur,  a government employee of high grades if………..the people having hearts come forward to support a life. One career can bring wonders in the family, area, and the nation. A bright mind, a talent is in dire need of help. Anyone having heart? Ears? Eyes? Where are donors? NGOs listening? A nation with 180 million plus! are you there?

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posted @ 07:23,


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